10/2016, Asiatopia Performance Conference S.E. Asia, Nakhon Pathom, TH
In the final day of the Asiatopia Performance Conference S.E. Asia (Bangkok and Nakhon Pathom, TH) I organized in the conference’s auditorium an open platform for reflecting the passed event. My aim was to provide an alternative situation of thoughts sharing as an answer to somehow rigid classical format of the main conference.
Two microphones were available as well as a list of suggested themes for a discussion. There was also a computer with a connection to the internet and an open word document where it was possible to comment on the conference in the written form. I tried to spend most of the time in the room and to facilitate discussions but was also occasionally leaving the space in order to provide more freedom for the visitors. Discussions oscilated between different forms of communication, such as talking about talking, making fun of being smart lecturers but also dealing seriously with issues brought up by the preceding conference.
It was nice to observe streams of commentators and audiences coming and going. Sometimes the room was totally empty or only two people were sharing their thoughts to each other, sometimes the room was more full. Nonsenses mixed up with a profound critique, a favorite music provided by YouTube.
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