→ (ENG) East by Northeast or Performing the (mega)City: Movement of a Body Through Transportation Networks (2019) / master thesis in Live Art and Performance Studies
→ (CZ) Pozitivní revolta (2015) / bachelor thesis in Site-Specific Performance
→ (CZ) Antiutopie v japonském anime: Analýza ideologických struktur ve fikčním světě filmu Nebeští jezdci (2015) / bachelor thesis in Film Studies
→ (CZ) Místo: Holešovice (2013) / bachelor thesis in General Art Studies

→ (ENG) Life and Death of Kowloon Walled City (2018) / commisioned for PPLATS (unpublished); original accompanying paintings by Ionas Laine accessible here
→ (ENG) Traffic Lights: Re-writing Urban Public Space Through Walking (2018) / published in Figures of Speech – The Act of Writing in Artistic Practices (Jay Mar Albaos – Antonín Brinda – Petros Konnaris – Harriet Rabe/von Froreich, Jolijn de Wolf)

→ (ENG) Metro Exercise (2017) / published in Performance Artist’s Workbook: On teaching and learning performance art – essays and exercises (edited by Pilvi Porkola)
→ (ENG) Time Is Running: System HM2T’s “perform” and (long) durational performance (2016) / (unpublished)
→ (ENG) Under the Tree: French and Mottorshead’s Afterlife (Woodland) (2015) / New Performance Turku Festival
→ (CZ) The Warm Early Evening Summer Sun: Reportáž z New Performance Turku Festivalu (2015) / New Performance Turku Festival
→ (CZ) Katoava taide: Pomíjivé umění v zemi tisíců jezer (2016) / Artalk
→ (CZ) Jsme superhrdinové (2014) / published in Ostrovy poznání (edited by Tomáš Žižka – Radoslava Schmelzová)

→ (CZ) Artikl (2011-2012) / various texts for the art magazine “Artikl”