Helsinki Urban Research
8 – 12 2015, Helsinki, FI

Urban research of a city of Helsinki draws a lot from the previous London Urban Research. For a period of four months my movements in the city were subjected to precise rules. With a start in August and end in December 2015, each of research months provided an opportunity to investigate different ways how to move in a city. The research resulted in a form of an audiodiary and a list of my failures=situations when I failed to follow given rules.

Positive Revolt
4/2015, Prague and Kutná Hora, CZ

Positive Revolt is my graduation work for DAMU (Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts, Prague, CZ) which took place in Prague and Kutná Hora. The project questions (Czech) law, especially that which applies in a public space. It consists of ten small performances/interventions in a public space. In the website dedicated to the project I quote relevant Czech laws and present photos/videos of actions.

London Urban Research
2/2015, Anatum’s Abode, London, GB

London Urban Research was supported by Anatum’s Abode, an ‘independent project space’ in Limehouse, London.

In this research I was concerned with different ways how to move in a city and how that affects one’s perception of it. I walked, cycled, used buses and the underground. I published short texts commenting on my experiences together with photo-documentation on the Anatum’s Abode’s website.